First of all, Linux's free. You shouldn't need to spend money to buy an operating system after you've just used half of your paycheck to buy a graphics card.
Also it's open source (What is Open Source?). Everybody can download the source code of Linux and change it how they want. Nobody is telling you what and what not to do.
Now you're probably not interested in looking at and changing the source code of Linux, but the point is that no one can hide code in there to track you. Just think about the all the backdoors that Windows probably has.
The average user wouldn’t think of running Windows without malware and virus protection. Just about every business in the world requires some type of virus protection software for all of their Windows devices. And Mac OS is not immune to viruses either.
Linux is simply more secure. That doesn’t mean it’s invulnerable to hacking attempts. It’s just that the design of Linux’s package management system, repositories, and other features makes it harder to compromise than other operating systems.
Linux's is also incredibly stable. Just look at this:
100% of the top 500 supercomputers use Linux
96.3% of the world's top 1 million servers run Linux
It's also the main OS used by major cloud providers. Even Microsoft chose Linux as the operating system to power their Azure Cloud Computing Services instead of their own Windows Server operating system.
In using Linux, you will also notice that your computer will run just as fast after years of use as when you first installed the operating system.
Linux is also very customizable. There are thousands of tools to customize the look and feel of your Linux install. Look at these:
So, did I convince you? If so, take a look at my beginner guides. Also: