How to use LetsEncrypt with Certbot

Certbot is a wonderful tool you can use to: Generate a SSL certificate with LetsEncrypt and automatically install and configure it on your webserver.


You'll need a website that's already online and hosted on a server. Obviously a domain is also necessary.

Installing Certbot...

on Debian 11/10

First we'll have to install snapd:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install snapd
Commands for installing snapd

Now ensure that your version of snap is up to date by runnig this command:

$ sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
Command for installing and updating snap core

Make sure to remove any old certbot installations:

$ sudo apt-get remove certbot
Command to remove any old certbot installations

Then, install Certbot:

$ sudo snap install --classic certbot
Command for installing certbot

Execute the following command to ensure that the certbot command can be run:

$ sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
Command to ensure that the certbot command can be run

on Ubuntu 20

Ensure that your version of snap is up to date by runnig this command:

$ sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
Command for installing and updating snap core

Make sure to remove any old certbot installations:

$ sudo apt-get remove certbot
Command to remove any old certbot installations

Then, install Certbot:

$ sudo snap install --classic certbot
Command to install certbot

Execute the following command to ensure that the certbot command can be run:

$ sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
Command to ensure that the certbot command can be run

on CentOS 8

If you don’t already have the CentOS repository added to your distribution, it can be added as follows:

$ sudo dnf install epel-release
$ sudo dnf upgrade
Commands to add the CentOS repository to your distribution

Then, simply install snapd with yum:

$ sudo yum install snapd
Commands to install snapd with yum

Once installed, the systemd unit that manages the main snap communication socket needs to be enabled:

$ sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
Commands to enable the snap socket

To enable classic snap support, enter the following to create a symbolic link between /var/lib/snapd/snap and /snap:

$ sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
Command to create a symbolic link for classic snap

Either log out and back in again or restart your system to ensure snap’s paths are updated correctly.

Now ensure that your version of snap is up to date by runnig this command:

$ sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
Command for installing and updating snap core

Make sure to remove any old certbot installations:

$ sudo yum remove certbot
Command to remove any old certbot installations

Then, install Certbot:

$ sudo snap install --classic certbot
Command for installing certbot

Execute the following command to ensure that the certbot command can be run:

$ sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
Command to ensure that the certbot command can be run

Create and install certificate

Just get a certificate

If you don't want to automatically install and configure the certbot certificate, run this command to only generate it:

$ sudo certbot certonly --your_webserver
Only get certificate

What to replace your_webserver with

  • For apache use apache
  • For nginx use nginx
  • For HAProxy or other standalone

So for example sudo certbot certonly --nginx

This will just put the certificate and key under /etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain/.

Automatically install it

If you want to automatically install and also configure it in your webserver, run this command with your corresponding web server:

$ sudo certbot --your_webserver
Get certificate and install it

What to replace your_webserver with

  • For apache use apache
  • For nginx use nginx
  • For HAProxy or other webroot

For examlpe sudo certbot --nginx

Confirm that Certbot worked

To confirm that your site is set up properly, visit in your browser and look for the lock icon in the URL bar.


In this article I showed you: How to install and use Certbot on three different platforms and with three different web servers. If I have helped you, consider signing up for free to get access to all my guides and my newsletter.

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